English Hrvatski
+385 (0)1 6599 700
Kaufland Shopping Centre Trogir Production, delivery and installation of the main beams
Reconstruction of the existing warehouse building and the turnery workshop (Vodovod i kanalizacija d.o.o.) Production, delivery and installation of TT boards
Reconstruction of the production and warehouse buildings - warehouse extension, KNAUF INSULATION d.o.o. Main contractor, construction, artisan and installation works
Buildings for the production of food and dietary supplements, Milsing d.o.o. AB prefabricated construction
Business warehouse Logorište, BASAR d.o.o. AB prefabricated construction
Svetica Pool Complex Production, delivery and installation of brushed prefabricated facades and caps
HŽ booth, ATB Moravice-Sušak Pećine and MO Sušak Pećine-Rijeka Construction and delivery of complete prefabricated booth
Konfada, Commercial, warehousing and production complex and road with communal infrastructure AB prefabricated construction
Rijeka-Zagreb Motorway - CIP ECO-INNOVATION -EU Project "RUCONBAR" Elaboration with the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Zagreb; Production and installation of "RUCONBAR" recycled rubber sound barriers
Commercial building Odra Main Contractor: AB prefabricated construction, AB facade elements, construction and artisan works, installation works, landscaping
Kaufland Jastrebarsko Logistics Centre Production, delivery and installation of AB walls
Kaufland Umag Shopping Centre Production and installation of AB facade elements (single layer, double layer and triple-layer)
Daily consumer goods store Kaufland k.o. Vrapče Zagreb Production Delivery and installation of part of the AB bearing structure (pre-tensioned T-bearings, pre-tensioned "I" supports, pre-tensioned secondary roof beams, beams between floors)
Commercial building Kerestinec VAMACO m.v. Main Contractor: AB prefabricated construction, AB facade elements, construction and artisan works, installation works, landscaping
Hospira - a new temperature-controlled pharmaceutical warehouse Savski Marof Production, delivery and installation of part of the AB bearing prefabricated constructions (pre-tensioned beams, TT panels)
Hotel Bellevue, Mali Lošinj Production Delivery of a semi-prefabricated ceiling system "omnia plate"
Paprenjak d.o.o. Production facility in Pisarovina Glavni izvođač: AB montažna konstrukcija, fasadni elementi, građevinsko-obrtnički radovi, instalaterski radovi, radovi uređenja okoliša
Medoka d.o.o. Medicinal product warehouse Main contractor: construction and artisan works, installation works, landscaping works
Konzum Gračani AB prefabricated construction
Memorial monument to the victims of the Second World War in Sinac near Otočac AB monument cast
Motorway Ivanja Reka Rugvica Sound barriers
McDonalds, Zagreb - Žitnjak AB prefabricated construction
Konzum Stenjevec AB prefabricated construction
IKEA furniture store AB prefabricated construction
Pliva warehouse VNS AB prefabricated construction
Kaufland Jankomir shopping centre in Zagreb AB prefabricated construction
Belupo medicinal product factory in Koprivnica AB prefabricated construction
Construction of part of the Kneza Branimira Street AB prefabricated supporting walls
Construction of tourist resort Zaton near Zadar AB prefabricated panels OMNIA
Commercial building - production of pepper cookies in the Pisarovina business zone Main contractor: construction and artisan works, installation works, environmental works
Data Center in Jastrebarsko Main contractor: Reconstruction and construction of the facility
Žakanje Sports Hall in Žakanje All civil engineering and artisan works, installation works, landscaping works
HEP Production at Žitnjak AB construction - pillars
Hotel Punta Mali Lošinj AB construction - omnia panels
Refinery Bosanski Brod AB prefabricated construction
BISTRA commercial building in Donja Bistra AB prefabricated construction and facade elements
Commercial and manufacturing facility in Murvica, Zadar AB prefabricated construction and facade elements
STP Croatia osiguranje in Rijeka AB prefabricated construction and facade elements
STP Croatia osiguranje in Karlovac AB prefabricated construction and facade elements
Konzum Karlovac AB prefabricated construction and facade elements
McDonald's Rotor Zagreb AB prefabricated construction
McDonald's Sisak AB prefabricated construction
Plodine Supermarket in Jastrebarsko Construction works, part of the artisanal works, part of the construction works, horticulture and landscaping
Plodine Supermarket in Karlovac Construction works, part of the artisanal works, part of the construction works, horticulture and landscaping
Plodine Supermarket in Zaprešić Construction works, part of the artisanal works, part of the construction works, horticulture and landscaping
School Sports Hall in Dugo Selo AB prefabricated construction
“Eurokamion”, Lučko Construction works, plumbing and sewage, roads and landscaping
Administration building “Beton Lučko”, Lučko, Zagreb Construction works, part of the artisinal works, plumbing and sewage, horticulture and landscaping
"Osrečki" hall, Stupnik Construction works, plumbing and sewage, roads and landscaping
"City Centar-Zagreb" AB prefabricated construction
Sports hall along with the elementary school in Bale Facade elements
Commercial facility "Hofer" Klinča Sela AB prefabricated construction
Discount grocery store "Lidl" Nova Gradiška AB prefabricated construction
Discount grocery store "Lidl" Županja AB prefabricated construction
Discount grocery store "Lidl" Metković AB prefabricated construction
Discount grocery store "Lidl" Gospić AB prefabricated construction and facade elements
"Konfor Klima" hall, Samobor AB prefabricated construction
"Conty" hall in Lučko AB prefabricated construction
Central warehouse "Billa", Sv. Helena AB prefabricated construction
"Elma Kurtalj" hall, Jastrebarsko AB prefabricated construction
CROATIA BATERIJE logistics centre in Ivanić Grad AB prefabricated construction
MM PLAN AB prefabricated construction
PZC SPLIT – commercial facility Podi Dugopolje AB prefabricated construction
ŽITNI TERMINALI SOLIN AB prefabricated construction
ZAGREB – DUBROVNIK MOTORWAY - Šestanovac Ravča "LIADUR" panels for the noise protection wall system
ARZ – the city of Rijeka ring road, noise protection wall "LIADUR" panels for the noise protection wall system
THE CITY OF DELNICE - multipurpose sports hall Main contractor - "turn key" basis
TISKARA ZAGREB - commercial and production facility Main contractor - "turn key" basis
VOLVO - commercial and service facility Main contractor - "turn key" basis
WEST GATE – shopping centre prefabricated elements- Zaprešić AB prefabricated elements