+385 (0)1 6599 700
Another large-format block has found its place in the production of paving stones by BETON LUČKO RBG. A board which through its asymmetry provide countless possibilities for visual enlargement and reduction of the surface in which these paving stones are imbedded. Its beauty can be best experienced in large and spacious areas, such as promenades or city squares, but it certainly will not go unnoticed even in a small private yard.
NAME | FORMAT in cm | m²/piece | m²/row | m²/pal | kg/m² | kg/pal | row/pal |
module A | 120x59/50x10 | 0,654 | 0,654 | 3,27 | 213 | 697 | 5 |
module B | 63,5/59x60x10 | 0,368 | 0,368 | 1,84 | 213 | 392 | 5 |
module C | 80x69,5/63,5x10 | 0,532 | 0,532 | 2,66 | 213 | 567 | 5 |
module D | 74/69,5x60x10 | 0,431 | 0,431 | 2,155 | 213 | 459 | 5 |
module E | 80x80/74x10 | 0,616 | 0,616 | 3,08 | 213 | 656 | 5 |
Otporno na habanje
Dozvoljen kolni promet
Otporno na smrzavanje i sol
Ekološki prihvatljivo
Garancija 2 godine
Puškarićeva 1b, 10250 Lučko
Tel: +385 (0)1 6599 700
Fax: +385 (0)1 6530 070
Email: info@betonlucko.hr
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