+385 (0)1 6599 700
The novelty in the offer that follows the colour trend in the colormix is most strongly reflected on the STREET LINE paving stones, which are ideally integrated into the visual "construction" of urban and old-fashioned landscaping.
Various formats already mixed on the palette give you the opportunity to combine them when placing them, while with a bit of imagination they can perfectly fit into any physical plan.
FORMAT | m²/piece | m²/row | m²/pal | kg/m² | kg/pal | row/pal |
different formats d=8cm | d.f. | 0,99 | 7,92 | 176 | 1394 | 8 |
Otporno na habanje
Dozvoljen kolni promet
Otporno na smrzavanje i sol
Ekološki prihvatljivo
Garancija 2 godine
Puškarićeva 1b, 10250 Lučko
Tel: +385 (0)1 6599 700
Fax: +385 (0)1 6530 070
Email: info@betonlucko.hr
Cash and cards