+385 (0)1 6599 700
Because of their large format, these panels bring a general sense of tranquillity and elegance to the space in which they are laid.
Because they can be produced in various formats, large panels are suitable for paving of private surfaces, terraces and pedestrian zones, as well as heavy vehicular traffic areas located in industrial zones.
Due to the variability of the format and thickness, as well as colours and surface treatments, the production possibilities are unlimited.
FORMAT | m²/piece | m²/row | m²/pal | piece/m² | kg/pal | row/pal |
80x80x10 | 0,64 | 0,64 | 5,12 | 1,56 | 1229 | 8 |
120x40x10 | 0,48 | 0,96 | 5,76 | 2,08 | 1372 | 6 |
Abrasion (wear) resistance
Vehicular traffic allowed
Slip resistance
Frost and salt resistance
Environmentally friendly
2-year guarantee
Puškarićeva 1b, 10250 Lučko
Tel: +385 (0)1 6599 700
Fax: +385 (0)1 6530 070
Email: info@betonlucko.hr
Cash and cards